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About Track Your Doctor

  • Track Your Doctor is the leading online source of review and rating information on healthcare physicians and providers in the United States. We provide patients with comprehensive details about healthcare providers to help them make informed decisions. Our goal is to continually enhance the profiles and information available for each doctor to provide the most detailed snapshot available.

  • Yes. Track Your Doctor is free for consumers and patients to use. For physicians and organizations, learn more about our program here.

  • Fill out our Contact Us form here to contact our customer support team. We'll get back to you in 24-48 hours.

About Doctors

  • We are not able to contact any doctor on your behalf. You may directly contact your preferred physician or provider through the phone number displayed on their profile.

  • We don't have the doctors' email address publicly available.

  • You can search for doctors on Track Your Doctor by typing in the doctor's name, NPI number, specialty, or location on the search bar on our home page. You can also browse for doctors here and filter them by specialty, location, rating and gender.

  • Track Your Doctor is focused on doctors with specialties that are reviewed more frequently online. If your doctor does not appear on our site, their specialty may not be covered or your doctor doesn't have a record in the National Provider Identifier (NPI) registry.
    You may check on NPI Number Lookup to see if your doctor's NPI profile exist.

  • The data provided on Track Your Doctor has been curated from various sources. This includes other review platforms, government databases, social media websites, and any other available datasets available. Reviews are also collected directly on

  • No. Doctors do not need to pay to have a profile on Track Your Doctor. Doctors can claim their profile here for free. There are advanced features and reporting that are only available with our paid memberships. You can find out more about our memberships here.

Reviews & Ratings

  • Patients can leave a review about their doctor on Track Your Doctor. We also collect reviews from other established review platforms such as Google, Healthgrades, WebMD, CareDash and more.

  • The average rating combines the ratings from the many review sites across the web with weighting applied because all review sites are not created equal (Healthgrades is greater than The weighting is small but attempts to estimate the potential impact on patients based on visibility.

  • The written review is optional. The patients can rate their doctor without the need to leave a written review. This explains why some reviews are displayed as 'This user rated the provider, but did not write a review'.

  • The doctor profiles that do not have a star rating have not received any reviews from patients yet.
    If your doctor doesn't have a rating and you would like to review him/her, be the first one to leave a review - go to your doctor's profile, click on the 'Leave a Review' button and fill out the review form.

  • To leave a review for a doctor, go to the doctor's profile on and click on the 'Leave a review' button below the doctor's bio section. Fill out the pop-up form with your first and last name, email, password, rating, and written review and then submit your review.

  • Yes. You can edit both the rating and/or written review that you have submitted on Track Your Doctor. You can do this by first logging in to your patient account and then going to 'My Reviews' page. Find the review that you'd like to edit, click on the three dots menu on the lower right corner of the review, and then select 'Edit'.
    The reviews from other sources (e.g., Google, Healthgrades, WebMD, etc.) unfortunately cannot be edited.

  • Yes. You can delete the review that you have submitted on Track Your Doctor by logging in to your patient account and then going to 'My Reviews' page. From there, find the review that you'd like to delete, click on the three dots menu on the lower right corner of the review, and then select 'Delete'.
    The reviews submitted on other review platforms (such as Google, Healthgrades, WebMD) unfortunately cannot be deleted.

  • The reviews you submit on Track Your Doctor are posted with your first and last name by default. You can opt to leave an anonymous review by putting in 'Anonymous' as your first and last name when you create your account or fill out the review form.
    Track Your Doctor asks for your email address upon registration, but this information is not posted publicly.

  • Your review is likely still being checked by our moderation team. Please allow five business days for your review to be published. If your review is still not published after five business days, your review may have violated our review guidelines. We don't post reviews that are spammy or not a review or include profanity, threats, personal insults, and personal information.

  • We only allow one review per doctor for each patient account. If you wish to update your published review, you may do so by logging in to your account, and then going to 'My Reviews' page. From there, find the review that you'd like to edit and make the necessary updates.

  • No. Track Your Doctor doesn't ask or accept payments from doctors for good reviews. The good reviews posted on our site were submitted voluntarily by patients.

  • No. Track Your Doctor doesn't ask or accept payments from doctors to remove bad reviews. Doctors can only respond to or dispute reviews. It's the patient's discretion to delete reviews.

Doctors' Responses to Reviews

  • No. The doctor cannot directly contact a patient but can leave a reply to the review. When the doctor replies to a review submitted via Track Your Doctor, the patient or reviewer will receive an email notification.

  • Doctors with a premium account can leave a reply to reviews regardless of the review source. To upgrade your physician account, click here. To reply to a review, log in to your physician account here and then go to 'Reviews' page. Find the review that you'd like to reply to, and then click 'Reply' on the lower right corner of the review.
    The doctor's reply is public and will be posted immediately next to the review that was responded to. The replies to reviews from other review platforms can only be posted on Track Your Doctor and not on the review site where the review was sourced from.

  • Yes. Doctors with a premium account can dispute reviews. To upgrade your physician account, click here. To dispute a review, log in to your physician account here and then go to 'Reviews' page. Find the review that you'd like to dispute, and then click 'Dispute' on the lower left corner of the review. Fill out the Dispute Review form and then click submit.

Consumer/Patient Accounts

  • To create your free patient account, click here. Fill out the sign up form and then click on 'Create my Account' button. A verification email will be sent to the email that you used to sign up. Verify your email address so you can start using your patient account.
    For physicians and providers, you can create an account here.

  • Patients benefit from having an account on Track Your Doctor by being able to leave and manage reviews and subscribe to physicians to get notified when they have new reviews.

  • Yes. In order to leave a review for a physician on Track Your Doctor, you need to create a patient account first. To create your free patient account, click here.
    We also collect reviews from other established review platforms, but those reviews are not connected to patient accounts on Track Your Doctor.

  • Track Your Doctor will only send you email notifications for events such as when a doctor replies to or disputes your review or when the doctors you're subscribed to receive new reviews. You may also receive from us weekly newsletters.

For Doctors - User Accounts

  • Physicians benefit from claiming their profile or creating an account on Track Your Doctor by being able to track, respond to, and manage patient reviews from various review platforms. Track Your Doctor also helps physicians assess how they perform against their competitors in their geographic region.

  • You can claim your physician profile by first searching for your profile on On your profile page, click on the 'Claim Your Profile' button at the top or below your bio. Fill out the form and then submit your request. Please allow 24-48 hrs for your request to be approved.
    You may also directly fill out the Claim Your Profile form here.

  • You need to claim your account first before you can edit your profile. You can claim your profile here or directly on your profile page on
    If you already have an account, follow these steps: log in to your physician account here. On the management portal, go to the Profile section on the left navigation board. From there, you can edit your basic information, profile picture, specialties, social links, etc.

For Healthcare Organizations - User Accounts

  • You can create an account for your healthcare organization here. Fill out the form and then submit your request. Please allow 24-48 hrs for your request to be approved.

  • Healthcare organizations benefit from having an account on Track Your Doctor by having a clear understanding of how their providers rate online. Additionally, Track Your Doctor helps organizations identify providers with a poor online reputation, which is impacting revenue and market share. Track Your Doctor helps organizations improve their online reputation across the board.
    Start tracking and managing your providers' online reputation by creating your healthcare organization account.